HM 16: A HypnoBirth Waterbirth w/ Dayna Reader
Dayna Reader shares her birth story of overcoming a fearful, traumatic first birth to have a triumphant waterbirth at home with HypnoBirthing. Although she started HypnoBirthing as a skeptic, Dayna came out the other side a believer in how powerful both hypnosis and her own body is. Dr. Liz gives tips on what to do with birth affirmations. Dayna Reader, MA, LMFT, is a psychotherapist specializing in trauma and EMDR in San Mateo, CA. See more about her at See more about Dr. Liz and get Free hypnosis files including one for a Better Pregnancy by joining the newsletter at If you’re a prenatal yoga teacher and want to have Dr. Liz's system that she used to build her classes to full with a waiting list, visit See more show notes at --------- Dr. Liz's book: Dr. Liz's FB page: