HM 15: Unexpected Birth Paths - Dr. Liz's HypnoBirthing Story
Get out the tissues. Dr. Liz shares her own birth story, how HynoBirthing helped her both before, during, and after her birth. You also get to practice the 4-8 breath and hear how it's done. In case you're pregnant, and don't want to hear birth stories that end in cesarean, please note that both of Dr. Liz's births ended in cesarean. Jump to 13:00 to hear about the HypnoBirthing 4-8 breath and the take-aways. *The explicit rating is due to talking about orgasmic birth. The two massage therapists who are mentioned are Mary Lou DiNicholas and Holly Reeves 954-802-3292. Get Free hypnosis files including one for a better pregnancy by joining the newsletter at See more show notes at If you’re a prenatal yoga teacher and want to have Dr. Liz's system that she used to build her classes to full with a waiting list, visit --------- Dr. Liz's book: