HM 11: Hypnosis to Feel Happi-er, Mostly

  Dr. Liz shares about when she has been suicidal in her life and then talks about studies about happiness. She gives various ways to increase it and does a free hypnosis at the end to increase your own happiness. See more show notes at P.S. The researcher who she could not remember during the podcast is June Gruber out of Yale and was cited in the book "Good News about what's bad for you and Bad News about what's good for you" by Jeff Wilser. ---------------------------- See more about Dr. Liz and get Free hypnosis files at Dr. Liz's book: Dr. Liz's FB page: Please note that these downloads are not mental health treatment nor should they replace mental health treatment. If you need psychotherapy or hypnotherapy, please seek treatment from a trained professional. ***These electronic recordings are intended only to teach non-patients the use of self-hypnosis for the individual's own therapeutic use. The use of these recordings for any other purpose is strictly prohibited. Elizabeth Bonet, PA, disclaims any liability for the use of this recording for any other purpose, and/or for the use of this recording without following the accompanying instructions, and/or for any damages resulting from hypnosis. If the recording is not giving you the desired result, you should stop listening to it and contact a mental health professional.***

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