EP 3: Too Anxious for Hypnosis?
What types of treatment are effective for Anxiety and how does Hypnosis fit in? Dr. Liz gives an overview of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Exposure Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Hypnosis. What combination is the most effective for which types of Anxiety? And what happens during Hypnosis for Anxiety? Tips are given for reducing anxiety. Want free hypnosis files or to learn more about Dr. Liz, her books, products, and services? Head over to www.drlizhypnosis.com to get in on all the great resources. If you liked this episode, do Dr. Liz a favor and rate, review, and subscribe over at iTunes. Or better yet, tell a friend about the podcast so we can continue to grow our amazing audience. Be sure and send in your feedback to drliz@drlizhypnosis.com. We love to hear from you! See more show notes at http://bit.ly/HM-podcast --------- See more about Dr. Liz and get Free hypnosis files at http://bit.ly/drlizhypnosis Dr. Liz's book: http://amzn.to/2gE08FJ Dr. Liz's FB page: http://bit.ly/2eZ9rjG