Condor Attack by Ultravision
Hi there! Today's game is a bit late, is it worth waiting for? Have a listen to Condor Attack by Ultravision and find out for yourself. Big thanks go to Rob @Atarispot on Twitter, who helped me with the research into this game and company. Next up is the big 200th episode, which will feature Q*bert's Qubes by Parker Brothers and a PlusCart contest courtesy of Doug. But first, I need a vacation. The 200th episode will be out on April 21st, so if you have feedback for Q*bert's Qubes, please get it to me by April 18th. I hope you all have a wonderful Passover and Easter, and I thank you very much for listening.
Condor Attack on Random Terrain
Arcade Express October 10 1982 on Atari Compendium
Video Game Update November 1982 on Atari Compendium
Leonard Herman's Video Game Business cards
Condor Attack longplay by RickyC
InfoWorld January 17 1983 issue
Ultravision on the Video Game Console Library site
Thunktronix on Etsy, Purveyors of Fine 8-Bit Crafts
Eric talking about me and the podcast (in French) on No Two Mornings Are Alike on Radio Canada