Asterix by Atari
Thank you for listening to the final game for this year, Asterix by Atari. It's basically the same as Taz, but Taz actually appears later in the part number order, and we'll get to that game next year. Coming up on January 13th is Tooth Protectors by DSD/Camelot. If you have any feedback for Tooth Protectors, please send it to by January 10th. also, the Christmas episode is coming up fast! if you have any kind of holiday or birthday video game memories or whatever, please send them to me by December 13th. Enjoy the holidays the best you can, and I thank you very much for listening.
Steve Woita's media appearances
Asterix NTSC thread on Atari Age
Who got this Asterix thread on Atari Age
Atari Spot's NTSC Asterix Twitter thread
Atari Archive release dates by Kevin Bunch
Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
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Please Stand By!