Kyphus by Apollo
Hi everyone, today we are looking at an unfinished prototype by Apollo called Kyphus. It's not really playable, but there is some interesting stuff to go into. And I apologize for posting the wrong date for feedback on Facebook and Twitter, if you didn't get your feedback in for Kyphus because of that I'm sorry. Please do send it next time if you can. The next game is the homebrew Blinky Goes Up by Jan Hermanns. Blinky is so cute! If you have feedback for this game, you can send it to me at by end of the day November 1st. That is the correct date. Thank you so much for listening, please stay safe and I'll see you soon.
Cash Foley blog about MicroGraphicImage
Bad Game Hall of Fame - Spelunker
Tim Martin's Enlightened Technology page
Atari Age thread showing Kyphus prototype
Atari Age Kyphus Artwork thread
Recompile's Fixing ET web page
Atari Age thread on 7800 Difficulty switches
Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
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Please Stand By!