Star Wars the Arcade Game by Parker Brothers
Greetings fellow droids, in this episode we take a gander at Star Wars the Arcade Game by Parker Brothers, a port of the Atari vector arcade game. If you think that's confusing, wait until you hear THE REST OF THE STORY. It's a fun one! Coming up next is Tomcat F-14 Flight Simulator by Accolade, a late 80s release. I would especially like to know if you had this game when it originally came out. Please send your thoughts to me at by end of day November 3rd. I can't believe it's almost November. As always, I thank you for listening.
Star Wars on Random Terrain
Star Wars on KLOV
Bob Smith interview by Kevin Savetz on the ANTIC podcast
Michael Becker interview by Scott Stilphen
Atari Age Trakball modified games thread
Star Wars Trakball Series in the Atari Age store
Stragglin' Jim's Star Wars controls hack
Dan Kitchen interview by Classic Gamer 74
Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
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Intarivisions Podcast
Please Stand By!
The League of Extraordinary Podcasters