Malagai by Answer Software
Hi there, thanks so much for your patience for the last 6 months of my podcast drought. Today I bring you Malagai by Answer Software, and I also discuss their Personal Game Programmer. Next up on the show will be M*A*S*H by 20th Century Fox. If you have any feedback for that game, please send it to me at by September 7th. Thank you very kindly for listening, and once again I am grateful for your patience and kind thoughts and words.
There's still time to donate to Geekade's PITAthon to benefit the Colorectal Cancer Alliance!
Shoot The Moon Stitches
Al Backiel's review of the PGP-1 on Digital Press
PGP-1 on Atarimania
Malagai at Random Terrain
Malagai Easter Egg page at Atari Compendium
Wilson Oyama rolls Malagai
Malagai Kill screen by GregDeg
Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
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Intarivisions Podcast
Please Stand By!
The League of Extraordinary Podcasters