Pengo by Atari
This episode is all about the very cute Sega arcade game Pengo, as ported by Atari. Not by GCC, which is surprising for this time period. I hope that you enjoy the episode. Next up is Crackpots by Activision. If you have any thoughts on Crackpots, please get them to me at by 6 PM EST on 5 February.
Thank you for your patience, and for listening.
Pengo on Random Terrain
Pengo on Atari Protos
Pengo on KLOV
Mark Hahn interview by Scott Stilphen
Mark Hahn's web site
Andrew Fuchs' web site
Courtney Granner on San Jose State web site (features some artwork)
1984 Atari dealer catalog on Atarimania
Jim's hack of 2600 Pengo with Popcorn!
Pengo arcade soundtrack on Youtube
No Swear Gamer 299 - Pengo
Arcade USA - Pengo minisode
Atari 5200 Super Community Podcast - Pengo
Memory Machine Podcast - Christmas Menagerie
Gen X Grown Up Podcast
Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
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Intarivisions Podcast
Please Stand By!
The League of Extraordinary Podcasters