151 - Mogul Maniac and the Joyboard by Amiga
I'll be in the lodge by the fire drinking coffee while you go out and attack the slopes, you Mogul Maniac! Maybe I'll stand on the Joyboard for awhile and pretend I'm out there with you. Naahhh, I don't want to spill my coffee.
Oh hi! I didn't see you come in, sorry. Won't you join me in discussing Mogul Maniac and the Joyboard controller by Amiga? Well, it will be more like a lecture, I don't like listening to other people talk, Shush! You can write to me instead if you'd like, I have another game coming up called Plaque Attack by Activision. If you have any thoughts on the game, please send them to me at 2600gamebygame@gmail.com. All the entries are read on the show, so it's kind of like you're talking, right? Please get your submissions in by March 20th or your teeth will rot. Who said contest? Shhhhhh. Thanks for listening!
Pertinent Links
H2H Adventure by Ro Anders
Q*Bert 2600 bug discovered
Mogul Maniac on Random Terrain
Jerry Lawson interview by Benj Edwards
Jay Miner interview by Mike Nelson
History of the Amiga by Jeremy Reimer
Amiga History Guide Atari game info
Hrothgar's Joyboard page
Amiga Power Play arcade carts on Atari Protos
RJ Mical talks about Zen Meditation Game
Guru Meditation by Ian Bogost
No Swear Gamer 419 - Mogul Maniac
Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
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Please Stand By!
The League of Extraordinary Podcasters