Atari Party East 2017
This past weekend, Bill and Lucy Lange hosted the Atari Party East at their home in Somerset NJ, close to where Atari had an office back in the 80s. Atari Party was started by Bill Kendrick in CA, and Bill decided to pick up the torch for those of us on the East coast! It was a great time, and this is just a short episode about the day. Thanks to Bill and Lucy and everyone who attended, we are looking forward to next year. Thanks for listening!
The Original Atari Party
Bill Lange's writeup in Old School Gamer magazine
Bill's web site
Pete Fletcher on Twitter
Rob on Twitter
Rob's photos of Atari Party
Jamie Lendino at Extreme Tech
Jamie's book Breakout: How Atari 8-Bit Computers Defined a Generation
Paul Rickards on Twitter
Paul's web site
Jason Scott's web site
Internet Archive
Jason Scott Talks His Way Out Of It podcast
Atari 5200 Super Community Podcast
Star Castle 2600 on Atari Age
Scramble on Atari Age
Edladdin Controllers
Scramble and Star Castle unboxing video
Atari Party East walkthrough video