137 - Pete Rose Baseball by Absolute Entertainment
Play ball! This episode looks at Pete Rose Baseball by Absolute Entertainment, a late entry in the 2600 library. How does it measure up to Home Run? Listen and find out! I apologize for the sound issues I was having within the episode. Next up will be Buck Rogers Planet of ZOOOOOOOOMMMMM by Sega. If you have any feedback for this or any game I've covered, I would love to hear it! Send your text or audio submissions to 2600gamebygame@gmail.com. Thank you for listening.
Pertinent Links
Mediagenic article by Jimmy Maher/The Digital Antiquarian
Digital Press review of Pete Rose Baseball
No Swear Gamer 190 - Pete Rose Baseball
Ballblazer's collection thread on Atari.io
Tim's Atari inspired music on Bandcamp
Stone Age Gamer 150 - If Mountain Dew Was A Sound
Colecovisions Podcast 29 - Miner 2049er and Quest For The Golden Chalice
Atari Bytes - Swordquest Earthworld with Chad Bowers and Chris Sims
Swordquest #0 (not sure if it's still free)
Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
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Intarivisions Podcast
Please Stand By!
The League of Extraordinary Podcasters