Protocast - Secret Agent by Data Age
In this Protocast episode, I cover the Data Age prototype Secret Agent. It would have been a late paddle game release, had Data Age not gone out of business. I hope to have Pete Rose Baseball for you to listen to next week. If you have any comments on that game or Secret Agent, or any other game I've covered, please send them to me at Thanks for listening!
Pertinent Links
Secret Agent on Atari Protos
Secret Agent 2001 release on Atari 2600 Homebrew
Secret Agent on Atarimania
Secret Agent from Data Age catalog (Atari Age)
Secret Agent trademark information
Atari Spot finds video featuring Data Age sample cartridges (starts at 18:45)
Box made by Shyone
Box made by Marc Oberhauser
Another picture of Marc Oberhauser's box with a cartridge
Marc Oberhauser's web site for 2600 boxes
Fan site for Celal Kandemiroglu
Crime Time for PC
Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
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Please Stand By!
The League of Extraordinary Podcasters