136 - Galaxian by Atari
Join me today as I talk about the wonderful port of Galaxian for the Atari 2600! There's lots of great feedback, as well as the song Galaxian from Dya's album Neon Dreams. Thanks to Aaron Hickman for giving me permission to use the song. Next episode will be about Absolute's Pete Rose Baseball. If you have any thoughts on this game or any game I've already covered, please send it to me at 2600gamebygame@gmail.com. Thank you so much for listening and for your support!
Pertinent Links
Galaxian on Atari Protos
Galaxian on Random Terrain
Galaxian on KLOV
Galaxian patent by Mark Ackerman and Glenn Parker
Mark Ackerman's web site
Hiro Kimura's web site
The basketball art by Kimura that I mentioned.
Galaxian comic on Atari Age
Get the Neon Dreams album by Dya (Aaron Hickman)
Atari Age - Nukey Shay's Galaxian Expanded
Atari Age - KevinMos3's Galaxian Arcade Expanded & Galaxian Vector
Atari Age - espire's Galaxian Expanded Graphics hack
No Swear Gamer 273 - Galaxian
Willie and Ferg play Salvo!
MS Walk Donation Page - Thank You!
Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
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Please Stand By!
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