133 - Q*Bert by Parker Brothers
Thanks for your patience for this new episode on Q*Bert by Parker Brothers. Q*Bert is a fantastic arcade game and has a great port on the 2600, as well as many other systems! I hope you enjoy the episode. Next up in 2 weeks will be Glib by Selchow and Wrighter, the only adult word game released for the 2600 (I guess Hangman and Word Zapper are word games, but in my opinion they're skewed toward kids). If you've played Glib and would like to share your thoughts on the game, please send them to me at 2600gamebygame@gmail.com. Thank you so much for listening!
Pertinent LinQ*s
Tom Sloper's Sloperama
Tom Sloper interview by Scott Stilphen
Tom Sloper interview by CRV on Game Developer Research Institute's site
Q*Bert on KLOV
Random Terrain's Q*Bert page
Atari Age thread about gap in pyramid
Q*Bert 2600 arcade hack by RevEng
The No Swear Gamer 295 - Q*Bert!
SNES Podcast 4 - Q*Bert 3 with meeeeeeee
Arcade USA Minisode - Q*Bert!
Intellivisionaries Podcast 11 - Q*Bert, again with me!
Kenner Q*Bert 5 pack figure auction
Arcade USA Q*Bert Minicade by Basic Fun
Atari 2600 Homebrew Facebook group
Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
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Intarivisions Podcast
Please Stand By!
The League of Extraordinary Podcasters