132 - Space Attack by M Network
In this episode I discuss the M Network game Space Attack, which is the 2600 version of Intellivision's Space Battle. Coming up next is Q*Bert, which I'm sure some of you have heard of. If you'd like to submit feedback on Q*Bert or any other game I've already covered, please send it to me at 2600gamebygame@gmail.com. Thank you so much for listening!
Retro Gaming Discussion Show A to Zed of the Atari 2600
Space Attack on Random Terrain's site
Hal Finney interview by Scott Stilphen
Sea Battle for the 2600
Favorite Atari 2600 Games of Willie! Space Attack
The No Swear Gamer 281 - Space Attack
Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
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Intarivisions Podcast
Please Stand By!
The League of Extraordinary Podcasters