129 - Crazy Climber by Atari
Hubbi Frubbiends! It's your old buddy Ferg, bringing you some info on Crazy Climber from my bathroom this week. Oh yes I did! I hope you enjoy the show. Coming up next is Keystone Kapers (MORE alliteration, wow!) by Activision, so's if you have some thoughts on it or any game I've covered already, you can send it to moi at 2600gamebygame@gmail.com, and hopefully I won't lose it. Happiest of Thanksgivings to you all (except Canadians, you couldn't wait apparently), and I will see you in December. Thanks for listening!
Crazy Links
Crazy Climber on KLOV
CC on Atari Protos
Atari Age Crazy Climber cover
CC Easter Egg page on 2600 Connection
CC different box art from Atarimania
Black picture label in Atari Age magazine
No Swear Gamer 280 - Crazy Climber
BlocTheKnite by Rex Allison on Google Play
Pyrex (Python library for 2600-style games) also by Rex Allison
Coleco Retro Gaming Expo August 2017
Nichubutsu Arcade Classics on SUPER NINTENDO (with Crazy Climber)
Atari 5200 Super Community My Extra Life donation page
Rick's Extra Life donation page
Wade's Extra Life donation page
Bill's Atari Party Extra Life donation page
Marc Allie's Extra Life donation page
Reference material for those not in the NYC area.
Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
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Intarivisions Podcast
Please Stand By!
The League of Extraordinary Podcasters