127 Part 1 - Escape From The Mindmaster by Starpath
So yeah, putting both games into this episode didn't work out, so you're only getting Escape From The Mindmaster this time. The next show will contain Sword of Saros and the feedback for both games. After that it will be one game per episode including feedback. Sorry about that. Speaking of feedback, if you have some for either or both of these games, please send it to me at 2600gamebygame@gmail.com. Thanks so much for listening!
Pertinent Links
Interview with Dennis Caswell by Mat Allen
Dennis Caswell's web site
Escape From The Mindmaster on Atari Protos (Labyrinth page link at bottom)
Complete Playthrough by Spolan
No Swear Gamer 270 - Escape From The Mindmaster!
Scott Stilphen's Easter egg page for Escape From The Mindmaster
Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
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