My Top 10 Single Player Games & a Special Announcement
This episode was suggested by Matt (@stormsurge) and will be part of a continuing series over the life of the podcast. The special announcement is that I will be slacking off the podcast this summer. ;) Well, kind of. Please stay tuned to the episode for details on that. Thanks for listening everyone, see you soon!
These are the coasters that I mentioned in the podcast (you can also see them on Twitter and Facebook, I posted them back in 2014):
Pertinent Links
Digital Press 99 Classics (NOT including Frankenstein's Monster)
Toy Tomb Podcast
Stone Age Gamer & Waveback podcasts on Geekade
The Retro League Podcast
Too Many Games! Forums
Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
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Proud member of the Retro Junkies Network!
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Please check out my other shows:
Intarivisions Podcast
Please Stand By!
The League of Extraordinary Podcasters