118 - Dig Dug, Dukes of Hazzard and Stunt Cycle by Atari
Well, hello. This extremely late episode is all about the wonderful game Dig Dug, and the unreleased games Dukes of Hazzard, Stunt Cycle, and Dukes of Hazzard. Thank you again for your continued patience, I hope very much that you enjoy the show. Next WEEK (that's WEEK, singular, I hope) will be on Dragonfire and Fathom, by ye olde Imagick Companie. If you have any feedback on these games, or any that I've already covered, please send it to me at 2600gamebygame@comcast.net or 2600gamebygame@gmail.com. Thank you so much for listening!
Pertinent Links
My Spotify 1982 Playlist
Bob Polaro on Antic podcast with Kevin Savetz
Bob Polaro interview by Al Backiel
The Crazy and Profitable Origin of Ms. Pac-Man, by Preston Burt
Doug Macrae at California Extreme 2010
Doug Macrae on Cache and Release (a geocaching podcast)
Doug Macrae's Geocaching site
Mark Hahn interview by Scott Stilphen
Atari Protos - Dig Dug
Atari Protos - Dukes of Hazzard
Atari Protos - Stunt Cycle
Dukes of Hazzard map on Digital Press
Dukes of Hazzard repro box on eBay
Dukes of Hazzard Easter eggs on 2600 Connection
Most likely unauthorized Dukes of Hazzard cart and box on eBay
Sold Best Electronics Dukes of Hazzard with B&W label on eBay
Stunt Cycle on Game Reproductions web site
Arcade USA - Stunt Cycle: Arcade, dedicated console & 2600 versions
Check out the Retro Junkies at Lexington Comic Con March 11-13!
Atari vs Sears artwork on Atari Protos
Game Dev Tycoon by Greenheart Games
No Swear Gamer 189 - Dig Dug!
Insane Ian - DiG DuG
VectrexRoli on Youtube
For Amusement Only EM and Bingo Pinball Podcast
Steve Thomas Art, Arcade Propaganda prints. NOT FROM THE 90s.
Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
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Proud member of the Retro Junkies Network!
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