111 - Turmoil & Fantastic Voyage by 20th Century Fox
Welcome to episode 111, where we discuss the very good 20th Century Fox games Turmoil and Fantastic Voyage. Make sure you save this episode, 111 will only come around once this century! Next episode will be on Name This Game and Towering Inferno (ironically a 20th Century Fox property) by US games. Please send your feedback for these games to 2600gamebgame@comcast.net. Thank you so much for listening!
Pertinent Links
Interview with 20th Century Fox' Frank O'Connell by Beau Urell
Mark Turmell Interview by Dan Gutman
David Lubar interview by Scott Stilphen
The No Swear Gamer Episode 212 - Turmoil
Digital Press 99 Classics
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Donate to Rick for Extra Life
Lock Is Lit podcast
This Guy's Retro Games Roundup blog
Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
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