107 - River Raid by Activision

Today I look at one of the most popular Atari 2600 games (and I can say 2600 because it came out after the rebranding), River Raid! Extra special thanks to Carol Shaw and Ralph Merkle for their help with this episode, and to Willie, ArKay, Captain Bob, and Mike at the Atari 5200 Super Podcast for their help as well, even though I screwed that up slightly (more details in the episode). Please go and check out the Atari 5200 Super Podcast if you don't already listen, and please check out their Facebook page at the link above!

Coming up next week is Bugs and Journey Escape by Data Age. Thanks to Wade's (from Inverse Atascii) suggestion, I now have a calendar to your right (unless you're on a mobile phone, then all bets are off). As long as I remember to keep it updated, you can check there for all the upcoming shows and see when they will be published. If you'd like to send your thoughts on Bugs and/or Journey Escape, or any other game I've covered so far, please send it to 2600gamebygame@comcast.net. Thank you so much for listening!

Links of No Return

Interview with Carol Shaw by Benj Edwards
Interview with Carol Shaw in Electronic Fun Sept. 1983
The No Swear Gamer 192 - River Raid!
River Raid on SNES
Air Fox Lite on iTunes
Scramble on KLOV
Ed Kelly's BETAR web site
Atari Phoenix poster
Billboard Magazine archive

Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
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