103 - Mondo Pong, INV+ and Oystron by Piero Cavina & Erik Mooney

Hi everyone, thank you very much once again for your patience. This episode features Mondo Pong, INV+, and Oystron, all late 90s homebrew games (for the most part). Thank you to INV programmer Erik Mooney for contributing an audio submission detailing his programming work on the game. Next time I'll be discussing Chuck Norris Superkicks and Artillery Duel by Xonox. Upcoming episodes will include the unreleased Rocky and Bullwinkle, Kool-Aid Man, and Super Challenge Football, all by M Network; Swordquest Waterworld and Swordquest Airworld (which is basically what that game is made of) by Atari; River Raid by Activision; Bugs and Journey Escape by Data Age; and China Syndrome and the Challenge of Nexar by Spectravideo. Feedback for any of these games or any game I've already covered can be sent to 2600gamebygame@comcast.net. Thank you so much for listening!

Pertinent Links

Erik Mooney's web site (has a few 2600 tech demos)
StellaList Archives
Picture of the StellaList award plaque
INV+ Source Code on Atari Age
Oystron page on the Wayback Machine
XYPE home page
The No Swear Gamer 174 - Oystron! 
Atari Age thread on Oystron
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