102 - Vanguard and Phoenix by Atari
Hi everyone, this episode featuring Vanguard and Phoenix is SUPER LATE and I apologize. My sister and her family are all moved in in TN and Sarah's sister and her family are in their new home in Maine, with their big items coming next week. As I stated in the episode I recorded what seems like months ago, the next episode featuring Oystron, INV and Mondo Pong by Piero Cavina will be released on July 15. Upcoming episodes will include Chuck Norris Superkicks and Artillery Duel by Xonox; Rocky and Bullwinkle (unreleased), Kool-Aid Man, and Super Challenge Football by M Network; and Swordquest Waterworld and Swordquest Airworld (vaporware) by Atari. If you have any feedback for any of these games or any I've already covered (see the link for Jose's amazing spreadsheet for my show), send it to 2600gamebygame@comcast.net. Thank you for listening, and thank you again for your understanding and support.
Pertinent Links
KLOV - Vanguard
KLOV - Phoenix
No Swear Gamer 42 - Vanguard
Ralph McQuarrie Star Wars concept art
Vanguard 531 explanation in Atari Age magazine
Vanguard easter Eggs/Bugs on 2600 Connection
Michael Feinstein's blog (last entry 2011)
NetSeer site (John Mracek's current company)
Rob Fulop interview by Scott Stilphen
Newspaper report on Atari-Imagic lawsuit
Infoworld article on the same lawsuit
Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
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