Episode 96 - Realsports Volleyball and Realsports Soccer by Atari
Hi folks, sorry for the delay. My Libsyn account is now free from hackers thank goodness. Well, maybe not, as this is a sportsball episode. Realsportses Volleyball and Soccer (better known as Football), to be exact. Next week I'll be taking off due to the holiday and family time, but I will return on the 15th with Tax Avoiders by American Videogame and Boing! by First Star Software. Coming up will be Super Cobra and Reactor by Parker Brothers; RealSports Football and Atari Video Cube by Atari; and episode 100 will be on Pitfall by Activision. If you have any thoughts on any of these games or any I've already covered, please send them to me at 2600gamebygame@comcast.net. Thanks for listening, see you next Wednesday!
Pertinent Links
No Swear Gamer 130 - Realsports Volleyball
No Swear Gamer RS Volleyball Easter Egg
No Swear Gamer 129 - Realsports Soccer
RS Soccer video with comment from Michael Sierchio
Warren Robinett Adventure post-mortem from GDC
Howard Scott Warshaw Yars' Revenge post-mortem from GDC
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