Episode 94 - Megamania & Sky Jinks by Activision
Sorry for the lateness of this episode focusing on Megamania and Sky Jinks by Activision. Also I apologize for not putting links to all of my podcast friends here that I mentioned in the episode. You know where they are. Next week I'll be looking at Smurf and Carnival (with the vaporware Cosmic Avenger thrown in). Upcoming games include RealSports Soccer & Volleyball by Atari; Super Cobra and Reactor by Parker Brothers; Tax Avoiders by American Video Game and Boing! by First Star; and RealSports Football and Atari Video Cube by Atari. If you have any thoughts on any of these games or any I've already covered, please send them to me at 2600gamebygame@comcast.net. Thanks for listening, see you next Wednesday!
Pertinent Jinks
Atari 5200 Super Podcast! on Facebook
Warren Robinett at GDC article at Ars Technica
Retro Video Gamer interview with Steve Cartwright
Steve Cartwright interview by Tim Duarte
GDC presentation by Steve Cartwright and David Crane
Retrogaming with Racketboy podcast - Steve Cartwright interview
Megamania commercial featuring the Tubes
Megamania patch
...and the letter that accompanied the patch
Megamania store standee on eBay
How to Beat the Home Video Games - Megamania
The No Swear Gamer 125 - Megamania!
Scott Stilphen's interview with Bob Whitehead
The No Swear Gamer 121 - Sky Jinks
Sky Jinks patch
...and again, the accompanying letter
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