Episode 90 - Hangman & Road Runner by Atari
Hi everyone! This week I talk about the Atari games Hangman and Road Runner. Please mind the gap. Also, you'll get the first set of clues for FergQuest, where you can win an Atari Flashback 5 from Willie from Arcade USA and the Colecovisions podcast! Thanks Willie! Next week I will be discussing Threshold and River Patrol by Tigervision. Upcoming games include Fast Food and Ram It by Telesys; Brain Games and Frog Pond by Atari; Megamania and Sky Jinks by Activision; Cosmic Avenger, Smurf: Rescue in Gargamel's Castle, and Carnival by Coleco; and Realsports Volleyball and Realsports Soccer by Atari. You can send feedback on these or any of the games I've already discussed to 2600gamebygame@comcast.net. Thanks for listening!
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Alan Miller interview by Al Backiel
Bob Polaro interview by Al Backiel
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Road Runner at KLOV
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