Episode 89 - Sorcerer, Fire Fly, & Star Fox by Mythicon

Hi there, thanks for your patience. This week's episode deals with the 'myths" of Mythicon! See what I did there? The games are Star Fox, Fire Fly, and Sorcerer, some of the worst reviewed games on the Atari 2600. UNTIL TODAY (spoilers). Next week I'll be discussing Hangman and Road Runner by Atari. Upcoming games include Threshold and River Patrol by Tigervision; Fast Food and Ram It by Telesys; Brain Games and Frog Pond by Atari; Megamania and Sky Jinks by Activision; and Cosmic Avenger, Smurf: Rescue in Gargamel's Castle, and Carnival by Coleco. You can send feedback on these or any of the games I've already discussed to 2600gamebygame@comcast.net. Thanks for listening!

Bruce de Graaf interview by Scott Stilphen
Bruce de Graaf's nature photography site
Thor Bradsher's website
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eBay auction with paperwork from Mythicon store display
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