Episode 85 - Toyshop Trouble & Your Christmas Memories
Merry Christmas everyone! Today's episode is about the homebrew game called Toyshop Trouble, and also your Christmas Atari 2600 memories! I was absolutely not expecting more submissions than last year's Christmas show, thank you so much! I love hearing your memories of the 2600 and the Christmas ones are terrific. The show will return on January 7th with Rabbit Transit and The Official Frogger by Starpath. Upcoming games will include Star Raiders by Atari; Okie Dokie and Stell-A-Sketch by Bob Colbert; Sorcerer, Firefly, and Starfox by Mythicon; and Hangman and Roadrunner by Atari. Any feedback you have on these or any games I've already covered can be sent to 2600gamebygame@podcast.net. Thank you all so much for a wonderful year, and I wish you all Merry Every Holiday!
Buy Toyshop Trouble on Atari Age
Toyshop Trouble Easter Egg
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SNES Podcast
Arcade USA, with your host Willie!
Stop it.
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