Episode 84 - Raiders of the Lost Ark by Atari
Today I am discussing in horribly long detail Raiders of the Lost Ark by Atari. This is the result of 2 weeks of research and 3 hours of recording, probably the most I've put into a show so far. I really hope you enjoy it and don't get too bored. Once again, your feedback makes the show better and I thank you for that. No show next week due to cookies. The Christmas memories episode will come out the week of Christmas. Additionally I will be looking at the homebrew title Toyshop Trouble, which is really a great game. Unfortunately I don't have the cash to buy this right now, nor would it get here in time if I did. But I need to start covering Christmas games, so I should be able to get this one done in time. Please send me your Atari Christmas memories and any feedback for Toyshop Trouble by December 19th for it to be included in the show. You can send that to 2600gamebygame@comcast.net. Thank you all so much for listening!
Links! Why'd it have to be Links?
How To Beat The Home Video Games - Raiders of the Lost Ark
ROTLA quick playthrough
Atari ROTLA commercial
Chris++ ROTLA walkthrough
1983 Joystik ROTLA walkthrough
2600 Connection ROTLA Easter eggs and bugs listing
The No Swear Gamer's ROTLA Review
NowGamer article on Howard Scott Warshaw
Jerome Domurat interview by Scott Stilphen
Jerome Domurat's business website
Edladdin Controllers
Bill Kendrick's New Breed Software page
You can still donate to the show page at Extra Life, until December 31st!
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