Episode 83 - Assault & Great Escape by BOMB!
Hi everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, if you celebrate that sort of thing. Thank you for your patience waiting for a new episode, it will be much worse this month. :( Speaking of new episodes, next week I will be looking at Raiders of the Lost Ark, by Atari. I am very glad that I made that its own show, I already have 12 pages of notes just on the manual and hint sheets! It will probably be a long show, so hopefully that will tide you over for awhile. GET IT, TIDINGS! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry. After Raiders I most likely won't be doing anymore games until 2015, but that is tentative. Also, please send me your Christmas memories by December 19th so I can record the Christmas memories show that weekend. Please don't take me for one of those militant Christmas people, I just didn't get any Hanukkah or Kwanzaa memories last year. If you have some, please send them to me at 2600gamebygame@comcast.net. I hope to get another show's worth of Christmas stories, I think last year's was awesome. Thanks for listening everyone!
Pertinent Links
Intarivisions on Facebook!
UK Bomb magazine ad
Video Color Yamin commercial
Greg's SNES Podcast
Atari Age thread about Bomb and Spectravideo
Assault longplay video (thank goodness)
Stalking the Retro podcast
Toys R Us Report
Retrogaming Roundup 81 (Activision panel starts at 61 minutes in)
You can still donate to the show page at Extra Life, until December 31st!
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