Episode 82 - Chopper Command & Starmaster by Activision
Eh up! Today I discuss Chopper Command and Starmaster, two Activision games that were formerly Atari games. Next week I will be taking off for Thanksgiving, but I will resume the following week with Assault and Great Escape by Bomb. Hopefully that's not prophetic. The following week will be Raiders of the Lost Ark by Atari. After that I will play it by ear, but I will have a Listener Christmas Memories show the week of Christmas. So if you have any Christmas memories, or if you would like to comment on upcoming games or any games I've already covered (the Bomb episode might be a good episode for past game comments). Send it all to me at 2600gamebygame@comcast.net. Thank you for listening, and I hope you all have a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving! EAT HEAVY
Pertinent Links
Intarivisions Podcast!
Activision 1982 in-house video
Bob Whitehead interview by Scott Stilphen
Chopper Command patch
Chopper Command patch letter
How To Beat The Home Video Games: Chopper Command
The No Swear Gamer: Chopper Command
Alan Miller interview by Al Backiel
Starmaster main patch
Starmaster additional patches
Starmaster patch letter
Starmaster Promotional patch
Starmaster with awesome graphics!
Favorite Atari 2600 Games of Willie! Starmaster
How To Beat The Home Video Games: Starmaster
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