Episode 78 - Sssnake and Airlock by Data Age

Hi there! To-day I discuss Sssnake and Airlock by Data Age, for all of 18 minutes. There just wasn't much to say about these games. Next week I'll be talking about Fire Fighter and Sky Patrol, both by Imagic. Upcoming games will include Math Grand Prix and Raiders of the Lost Ark by Atari, Mega Force and Alien by 20th Century Fox; Star Raiders and Fun With Numbers (Basic Math) by Atari; Assault and Great Escape by Bomb; Chopper Command and Starmaster by Activision; and Hangman and Road Runner by Atari. If you have any feedback regarding these games or any others that I've covered already, please send it to 2600gamebygame@comcast.net. I will read it or play it on the show. Thank you for listening!

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