Episode 74 - SoundX and Edtris 2600 by Ed Federmeyer
This time I talk about the first two homebrew games made for the Atari 2600, SoundX and Edtris 2600, both written by Ed Federmeyer. There are arguments that some other games are the first, but these were first after the 2600 ceased to be. SoundX is a sound utility program, and Edtris 2600 is a version of Tetris. Next week I'm looking at In Search of the Golden Skull, AD&D Treasure of Tarmin, and Burgertime by M Network. Only one of these games was actually released! Coming up I'll be yakking about Frogger and Amidar by Parker Brothers; Swordquest: Fireworld by Atari; Sssnake and Airlock by Data Age; Fire Fighter and Sky Patrol by Imagic; Math Grand Prix and Raiders of the Lost Ark by Atari, and Mega Force and Alien by 20th Century Fox. If you have any feedback for any of these games or any of the games I've covered so far, please send it to 2600gamebygame@comcast.net. Thanks for listening everyone!
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