Episode 72 - Death Trap and London Blitz by Avalon Hill
Hi there. Thank you for your patience for this show, I had some issues that I talk about in the episode.
Today's episode talks a little about Avalon Hill and the first of their games on my show, Death Trap and London Blitz. Coming up next week is Swordquest: Earthworld by Atari. There's a lot of info on that game and the accompanying contest, so I thought each of those should get its own episode (except Airworld, which never came out). Coming up will be Edtris 2600 and SoundX by Ed Federmeyer; In Search of the Golden Skull, AD&D Treasure of Tarmin & Burgertime by M Network; Frogger and Amidar by Parker Brothers; Swordquest: Fireworld by Atari; Sssnake and Airlock by Data Age; and Fire Fighter and Sky Patrol by Imagic. If you have any feedback on any of these games or any of the games I've already covered, please send it to me at 2600gamebygame@comcast.net. I love hearing from you!
In the meantime, Rob from Player/Missile Podcast is very generously sponsoring a contest! He is giving away an e-book copy of Racing the Beam, by Nick Montfort and Ian Bogost (it is an Amazon gift e-book, you need to be in the US and have an Amazon account, sorry about that). The next episode of his podcast is devoted to Space Invaders; both of us will be playing the game on the other's system, and you have to guess our combined scores (without going over) to win the book. I will give a cutoff date soon, but it will be sometime in early October. That will be fun!
Extra thanks this week to Avalon Hill CEO Jackson Dott, and Avalon Hill artist Jim Talbot for contributing to my show. Thank you for listening!
Links, Jolly What!
Rebecca Heineman interview by Scott Stilphen
Rebecca Heineman's web site
Jackson Dott's Realtor page
Jim Talbot's web site
Avalon Hill's current site (now owned by Hasbro/WOC)
Now You're Playing with Podcast
Player/Missile Podcast
Atari Age thread about new 4k Pac-Man rom (you can download the rom here)
London Blitz manual
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