Episode 66 - Asteroids and Berzerk by Atari
This week's episode is about Asteroids and Berzerk, two great early arcade ports for the 2600. Big thanks once again to Willie Culver for sponsoring the contest for this episode, where he gave away an Atari Flashback 4! Willie is a great guy, make sure you watch him on Youtube at Arcade USA or listen to the Colecovisions podcast and the upcoming Channel F Files! As I say in the show, I should have split these games up to make it a little easier on me, but then the Swordquest games wouldn't have been on the same show, and that seems wrong. So it works out. I'm still editing, but I think this may be the longest episode yet. In the future I may do more single-game shows for games I think will garner a lot of feedback. Next week I'll be talking about Mousetrap by Coleco and Ladybug by John Champeau. I'm hoping my copy of Ladybug is here soon! In future episodes I'll be doing Blackjack, Casino, Slot Machine, Yar's Revenge and Haunted House by Atari; Grand Prix and Barnstorming by Activision; Death Trap and London Blitz by Avalon Hill; and Swordquest: Earthworld and Swordquest: Fireworld by Atari. Send your feedback in any shape or size to 2600gamebygame@comcast.net. Thank you everyone for listening!
Pertinent Links
Asteroids on KLOV
Berzerk on KLOV
Photo of Atari Asteroids tournament machine
Willie's Asteroids video
Willie's Berzerk video
Willie's contest winner video! Thanks Willie!
How to Beat the Home Video Games: Berzerk
How to Beat the Home Video Games: Asteroids
Kid Stuff Asteroids Album
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