Episode 62 - Magicard and Video Life by CommaVid

This week's episode is about the CommaVid carts Magicard and Video Life. It was a tough one, I really don't possess a basic understanding of programming (Magicard) or elementary science (Video Life), not to mention that I was off for three weeks and was out of the habit of my usual procrastination, which turned it into unusual procrastination. I hope that you will forgive me and enjoy the episode anyway, I did get some good feedback which as always saves the show. Next week I'll be talking about Submarine Commander and Video Pinball by Atari. Video Pinball is one of my favorites. Upcoming games include Cross Force and Tape Worm by Spectravision; Word Zapper and Commando Raid by US Games; Asteroids and Berzerk by Atari; Mousetrap by Coleco and Ladybug by John Champeau, and Blackjack, Casino, and Slot Machine by Atari. Any thoughts or memories that you have about any of these games or any of the games I've already covered can be sent to 2600gamebygame@comcast.net. Thanks for your patience and for listening!

Pertinent Links

CommaVid Story on Digital Press
Irwin Gaines magazine article
John Bronstein's Atari 2600 reverse engineering contraption
Magicard manual (PDF)
Chess rematch with Rick from the Intellivisionaries
Willie's Flashback 4 contest video
Next Level Video Games in Blackwood, NJ
Magicard program binaries on Atari Age

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