2013 Wrap Up
Hi everyone, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, and Happy New Year! This has been a great year for me, and one of the reasons is that I finally started this podcast and met so many of you online. I am very grateful for all of your positive comments and feedback, thank you so much. Again, no games today, just a quick wrap-up of the year and what you can expect next year (hint: podcasts about Atari 2600 games). I also inserted something you might be interested in, which is kind of fun and kind of depressing for me to listen to. Next week I'll be talking about Xonox and their games Ghost Manor and Spike's Peak. Upcoming games will include Turbo and Venture by Coleco, Maze Craze and Video Checkers by Atari, He-Man and Locomotion by M-Network, Cosmic Ark and No Escape! by Imagic, and Dodge 'Em and Missile Command by Atari. I know we're all out of practice, but if you have any stories or memories about any of these games that you'd like to share, please send them to me at 2600gamebygame@comcast.net. You can also post them on Facebook or (less likely if you have a long story) Twitter. I encourage you to also send them as audio submissions! I love getting those.
To thank you for a really wonderful year, I am having a spur of the moment contest. You can win a complete in box (CIB) copy of Starmaster by Activision. In this episode, I talk about my most downloaded show, which I also mentioned on FB and Twitter. The first person who can tell me my second most downloaded show will win the game, and maybe even receive it in the same month! You can enter through email, Facebook or Twitter. If no one guesses by Sunday January 5, I'll put it back in the hopper for a future contest. Thank you so much to everyone for listening, I cannot express that enough, it means the world to me. I hope to bring you many more episodes featuring your favorite and not-so-favorite games for the Atari 2600 in the coming years!
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