Episode 30 - Gangster Alley & Planet Patrol by Spectravision
In this week's episode I talk about Spectravision (later Spectravideo) and two of their early games, Gangster Alley and Planet Patrol. Guy Hutchinson has sent another great audio submission, and I am once again under coffee's big delicious thumb. Next week, two of my favorite games from kidhood, Miniature Golf and Human Cannonball. Upcoming games include Coconuts and Cosmic Creeps by Telesys, Star Wars Death Star Battle and Ewok Adventure by Parker Brothers, Bowling and Sky Diver by Atari, Tennis and Laser Blast by Activision, and Circus Atari and Superman by Atari. You can send your memories of these games or anything related to the Atari 2600 to me at 2600gamebygame@comcast.net. Also, as I mentioned in the show, send me the list of games you had as a kid if you remember, and also let me know if you find any 2600 games out there in the big bad wild. Or on eBay, that's cool too. Thanks for listening!
Pertinent Links
Syd Bolton's Watara Supervision Homepage
Hyperlync's web site
How To Beat The Home Video Games 2: Gangster Alley
Favorite Atari 2600 Games of FocusRS Episode 12: Planet Patrol
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