Episode 17 - Star Strike & Adventures Of Tron by M Network
Welcome back! This week's episode deals with M Network and two of its games, Star Strike and Adventures of Tron. Special thanks this week to Star Strike programmer David Akers for offering us insight into his game! Also thanks to Strudders for sending the only email this week, I edited out the thank you by mistake. I got distracted by my ingenious M Network stacking solution. Sorry Rob! :(
Next week I'll be looking at the Starpath Supercharger and two of the games released for it, Phaser Patrol and Communist Mutants From Space. In two weeks, it's Pele's Soccer and Backgammon by Atari. If you have any stories or comments for these games, please send them to me at 2600gamebygame@comcast.net. Thank you for listening!
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