Eurovision Showcase on Forest FM (6th December 2020)
Ciaran Urry-Tuttiett is with you for another episode of the Eurovision Showcase!
Showcasing the greatest music from the world's biggest singing competition.
We have this week's Rob's Random Request, The Best of the Rest and the Eurovision Showcase News!
Listen anywhere around the world on or via the TuneIn Radio App & Website.
Also, listen locally on East Dorset's very own Forest FM 92.3.
Check out our website -
If you miss the show you will be able to re-listen to it or listen to any of our previous shows by the following ways...
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The Eurovision Showcase, Ciaran Urry-Tuttiett and Forest FM DO NOT own any of music by the singers taking part in this show. All jingles are provided by Ciaran Urry-Tuttiett and the station Forest FM.
#EurovisionShowcase #ESCShowcase #ForestFM #LocalRadio #Eurovision #ESC #EurovisionSongContest