Exam confidence with hypnotherapy
Podcast 11: Exam confidence with hypnotherapy. Looking at how hypnotherapy can help you build your exam confidence and keep calm during exams, including top tips for exam success! There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again. In last week’s podcast I talked about how you can use hypnotherapy to help you study with confidence so if you haven’t listened to this yet and you still have some studying to do I would recommend having a listen to this, especially if you’re finding it hard to study as there are some great tips to help you study more effectively. With exams coming up for people of all ages I thought now would be a great time to talk about how stress can cause all kinds of problems if it’s not properly managed as you go into an exam. Today’s podcast will include suggestions to help you stay calm and focused during your exam. There are numerous techniques that can help you study with confidence so if you find you need more help visit www.altptherapies.co.uk to have a bespoke recording made for you with your challenges in mind.