Jason Khalipa - How To Develop An Unstoppable Mindset

(#277) Jason Khalipa, World Champion Athlete, Entrepreneur and Author of the new book As Many Reps As Possible, joins the podcast this week to discuss the winning mindset that has made him so successful in his many endeavors. Jason Khalipa is a CrossFit World Champion, first-time book author, and lifelong competitor. He's a devoted father of two and CEO and founder of NCFIT, a global company aimed at making fitness effective, fun, and accessible. It should be stated that while I am not a Cross-Fitter (I'm a weightlifter and kettlebell practitioner), I fully enjoyed this chat learning about the mental framework that has made Jason so successful in business and athletics. While Jason's success is remarkable, he's extremely humble and open in sharing the winning mindset that has made him unstoppable in business and life. Here's what you'll hear about this week on the show: The 2 big things Jason and I have in common Hear about "the day that things changed” and how that impacted his life What was the turning point in his life that transformed his focus and drive Why he decided to write the book? The highly-effective visual model to focus on what you can control What was his first exposure exercise training - and how things evolved Why he likes most about the AMRAP training philosophy What is the AMRAP mentality? And how this impacts all phases of his life Best advice to “fix bad thinking and get in the right mindset” Jason explains the 5 parts to the AMRAP mentality: Know Your Why Focus on What You Can Control Work Hard Shift Gears Re-evaluate What's the downside of AMRAP? When someone finishes reading the book - what is the the #1 thing he hopes reader take away? What has been the #1 thing that has made him successful - as an athlete and in business? If he had to do things all over again - what would he have done different? How his physical training today compares to 2008 when he was named "the fittest man on earth?” Learn about his highly successful global business NCFIT Learn about his corporate wellness initiatives What is his typical day - what the key things he must do each day to be successful What’s been his greatest life lesson, so far? He shares his book writing process - How easy or hard was it to write the book? What book has impacted him the most and why? Simple, actionable closing advice for every listener... [click_to_tweet tweet="“There is no life hack. I wanted to write about old-school hard work.” -Jason Khalipa, World Champion Athlete " quote="“There is no life hack. I wanted to write about old-school hard work.” -Jason Khalipa, World Champion Athlete " theme="style5"] Get value from the podcast? Then, please take a minute to review the show. It’s fast and easy to do. To see how to post a review in Apple Podcasts, go to RdellaTraining.com/review SUBSCRIBE AND REVIEW THE SHOW ON APPLE PODCASTS SUBSCRIBE AND REVIEW THE SHOW ON STITCHER NOW AVAILABLE ON SPOTIFY!!! LISTEN AND SUBSCRIBE ON GOOGLE PLAY LISTEN AND SUBSCRIBE ON OVERCAST The Rdella Training® Podcast is published each week with valuable training information and amazing interviews with many “world-class” coaches, experts, and authors in the fitness industry. The Rdella Training Podcast is committed to helping athletes and fitness enthusiasts consistently evolve, grow, and become the strongest and best version of themselves. We teach intelligent training and lifestyle for serious fitness enthusiasts and dedicated lifters all over the world. [click_to_tweet tweet="“Fitness is such as easy way to get uncomfortable and overcome adversity.” - World Champion Athlete, Jason Khalipa " quote="“Fitness is such as easy way to get uncomfortable and overcome adversity.” - World Champion Athlete, Jason Khalipa " theme="style5"] SHOW NOTES a LINKS: JasonKhalipa.com NC.FIT Jason's Philanthropy Page As Many Reps As Possible (Jason's Book) How To Win At The Sport Of Business by Mark Cuban DID YOU GET YOUR MOBILITY FIX? [jbox color="red" radius ="2"]Follow @RdellaTraining on Instagram for high-value training tips, tutorials and education.[/jbox] [jbox color="yellow" radius ="2"]Community page: RdellaTraining.com/ask.[/jbox] Spread the word! Please share this on Facebook, Twitter or anywhere you’d like. [jbox color="blue" radius ="2"]Scott Iardella, MPT, CSCS, CISSN, SFG-TL, USAW, CACWC Scott's background as a strength coach, athlete, and former clinician are the basis for his one-of-a-kind approach to teaching strength, human movement, and peak performance. Scott is dedicated to helping serious fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and lifters all over the world, regardless of age, background, or training experience, become the best version of themselves through improved strength and skill development for a lifetime of health, happiness, and high-performance. Scott is the passionate host of The Rdella Training Podcast, a leading weekly fitness podcast in Apple Podcasts where he interviews the most brilliant minds in the industry. Finally, he is the author of The Edge of Strength, available in Amazon and currently working on his follow-up book. To learn more about Scott, please visit our About Page. Get stronger, perform better, and evolve into the athlete you were meant to be.[/jbox]

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