How To Bulletproof Your Shoulders
(#255) What are the best exercises for strong, powerful, healthy shoulders? In this session, I'll discuss 7 proven exercises to keep your shoulders supple and strong. While there are many considerations when strengthening the shoulders, I'll share what I have found to be most valuable in recent years to maintain strong and injury-free shoulders. If you're looking to optimize health of the shoulders, listen and learn about the rationale for this progressive approach. Get value from this podcast? Then please take a minute to review the show. It’s fast and easy to do. To see how to post a review in Apple Podcasts, go to SUBSCRIBE AND REVIEW THE SHOW IN APPLE PODCASTS SUBSCRIBE AND REVIEW THE SHOW IN STITCHER LISTEN AND SUBSCRIBE IN GOOGLE PLAY LISTEN AND SUBSCRIBE IN OVERCAST The Rdella Training® Podcast is published every week with valuable training information and amazing interviews with many “world-class” coaches, experts, and authors in the fitness industry. The Rdella Training Podcast is committed to "bridging the gaps" in strength, performance, and injury prevention. Created for the serious fitness enthusiasts and dedicated lifters around the world. SHOW NOTES: The SOTS Press - The Ultimate Guide Last Week's Episode (Discussing the Plane of The Scapula) [jbox color="red" radius ="2"]Follow @RdellaTraining on Instagram for high-value training tips, tutorials and education.[/jbox] [jbox color="yellow" radius ="2"]Community page:[/jbox] Spread the word! Please share this on Facebook, Twitter or anywhere you’d like. [jbox color="blue" radius ="2"]Scott Iardella, MPT, CSCS is a strength coach, athlete, and former "physio" who's mission is to help men and women, regardless of age or background, forge their best, strongest self. Scott is the author of the book, The Edge of Strength.[/jbox]