Strength Training Over 40 (10 Key Tactics And Considerations)

(#251) Strength training over 40 is our big topic this week on the podcast. In this week's episode, we'll explore 10 ideas that are important considerations for the "over 40" strength training enthusiast. I'll discuss the ideas and actionable takeaways. Here's the 10 topics we discuss in this episode as they relate to strength training: Specific recovery ideas Protein - how much? My big 5 supplements and why Sleep - how much? Stress reduction practices Water intake - how much? How to address mobility Hypertrophy - why it matters even more Why we need to focus on strength A simple mindset hack (or motto) to live by [click_to_tweet tweet="'Your best days are NOT behind you.' " quote="'Your best days are NOT behind you.'" theme="style5"] Get value from this podcast? Then please take a minute to review the show. It’s fast and easy to do. To see how to post a review in Apple Podcasts, go to SUBSCRIBE AND REVIEW THE SHOW IN APPLE PODCASTS SUBSCRIBE AND REVIEW THE SHOW IN STITCHER SUBSCRIBE IN GOOGLE PLAY The Rdella Training® Podcast is published every week with valuable training information and amazing interviews with many “world-class” coaches, experts, and authors in the fitness industry. [click_to_tweet tweet="We need to fight every day to preserve our muscle and strength." quote="We need to fight every day to preserve our muscle and strength." theme="style5"] The Rdella Training Podcast is committed to "bridging the gaps" in strength, performance, and injury prevention. Created for the serious fitness enthusiasts and dedicated lifters around the world. SHOW NOTES: Your Body's Many Cries For Water Original Strength by Tim Anderson Schoenfeld Paper on Protein  [jbox color="red" radius ="2"]Follow @RdellaTraining on Instagram for high-value training tips, tutorials and education.[/jbox] [jbox color="yellow" radius ="2"]Community page:[/jbox] Spread the word! Please share this on Facebook, Twitter or anywhere you’d like. [jbox color="blue" radius ="2"]Scott Iardella, MPT, CSCS is a strength coach, athlete, and former "physio" who's mission is to help bridge the gaps in strength, performance and injury prevention. Scott is the author of the book, The Edge of Strength.[/jbox]

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