TKL43: Collab #8 Planning Your Nutrition Part 2.5 Building (More) Muscle
Today we're finishing off the muscle blueprint as my guy TClark is calling it featuring the final few steps you need to MAXIMIZE your results. Even if you want to learn what you're going to do AFTER the summer to start building into that mindset, this podcast would be dope for you. We're covering the final two pieces to building muscle: maintenance phases and mini-cuts. Because you can't be in the mass gain phase FOREVER. We tell you exactly how long you need to do each of these phases and why they're important. We also give a few tips on training while in each of these phases. If you've been struggling with building muscle for a long time, this one is for you! To follow TClark on Instagram: TClark Nutrition To tune in to TClark on his Podcast: The TClark Nutrition Podcast --- Coach Kronic Social Links: Blog: Facebook: Instagram: email: --- Sign Up For Coaching: Coaching Application