TKL39: Collab #6 Planning Your Nutrition Part 1: Fat Loss
In today's collab with my guy TClarkNutrition, we're talking about planning out your nutrition over an entire year. Yes, A YEAR. They key to seeing results from your nutrition is having things mapped out so there's no questions, you just execute. We take you through an avatar like example where we take a mock client from the initial assessment phase all the way to eventual fat loss months later. This is EXACTLY what we do with our clients. This isn't some watered down generic advice. This advice is specific and detailed. That being said, fat loss takes time. It takes patience. And we give you ALL the tools to be successful. We show you EXACTLY how to reverse diet if you're under eating, how long to stay at maintenance level calories, how to eventually cut in the most efficient way possible and then what to do AFTER the diet. Too often people fall off from their post diet because they don't know what to do! We got you! Tune in. To follow TClark on Instagram: TClark Nutrition To tune in to TClark on his Podcast: The TClark Nutrition Podcast --- Coach Kronic Social Links: Blog: Facebook: Instagram: email: --- Sign Up For Coaching: Coaching Application