TKL35: T/F Collab #4 Mobility That Lasts, Gut Health, Hydration a More!
The intro is on point this time I promise! Haha. Got some great content for y'all today. We kept this episode a bit shorter than usual. We start with talking about how to become more mobile for longer than just one day. Passive methods for accomplishing mobility only last temporarily and usually disappear soon after. Learn how to get more mobile and wake up with that same mobility! There's also some rants on the "Organic" craze and how to tell if a product is worth the extra $ for a specific quality label. Finally, we have a huge discussion on gut health and how it impacts fat loss. Tommy and I plan to have a whole podcast on Nutrition Periodization and one on Gut Health. Look out for those! To follow TClark on Instagram: TClark Nutrition To tune in to TClark on his Podcast: The TClark Nutrition Podcast --- Coach Kronic Social Links: Blog: Facebook: Instagram: email: --- Sign Up For Coaching: Coaching Application