ChayK dem BUNz Series... CONFIDENCE
If you missed the "ChayK dem BUNz!" FREE, 3 day Training, here it is :D The truth is... I used to think I have to please everyone, just to be loved and supported. My constant need for attention and approval was literally ruining my life, because I didn't know what I really aiming for. I was switchy and easily influenced with my life decisions... It was like getting in a car and knowing that I'm going on a long trip, but with no map or destination. No warnings of construction or blocked roads, and tunnels. I also wasn't super clear and consistent with my decisions, or wise enough to just listen to a few key, successful mentors. However, I am strong, beautiful, creative and knowledge seeking. Like you! So, yes, I have done a few things I am not proud of within my journey. Time wasting and all. But those things helped bring light and direction, from being lost in the dark, to what I truly want in my life! NOW, I master the f*ck out of my life through dance, and energy! I was bending my morals, and boundaries to make others happy - in relationships, careers, business ventures, and even health decisions. But especially with dancing (whether nude or not), I would have loved to learn how to sustain my energy, confidence, thoughts and take better actions towards my utmost desires and dreams in life. I am doing so now, and have been for at least 5 years. That's what I want to deliver to you, my Queen! So what shifted? HOW did I go through my greatest difficulties, and get to where I am today? Happy, for-filled, and always improving? Honestly, like anyone would... I had to get to the root of my healing journey and dig deep. I had to open myself to LEARNING again. Learning how to re-align my energy to be "un-f*ck-with-able." I had to seek NEW, non-judgemental coaches. I had to be ok with receiving that support (Miss. Independent here). Most of all, I had to see a different kind of future for myself and my family, and I had to get to work! Was it easy? NOT ALWAYS... Can you relate? Maybe it really is your time to make a change, right? Reclaim your life, your Queendom :D If so, then go get yourself registered for The QUANTUM BUNdle. Sometimes, we need to give ourselves that tough love... things need to change (with the intention for the best outcomes). Maybe this is that moment for you! I want you to know I’m here, and I’ve opened my BUNdle for you... I have to close this offer in 10 days, and get to work serving my new Queens. I hope you choose to become one of them, one of us :) Transformation is possible. Progress is possible. I’m proof, and so are my Queens! What you'll get: 1 monthly LIVE class, and 2-4 new monthly replays in each: Bellydance Classes Fitness Classes Booty-camps TwerkShops 1 Monthly 55 min Mentor Session WhatsApp Support Meghan Remedy CNP/RHN General Holistic Nutrition Guide Energy Healing Training Access in each: Reiki Meditations NLP (neurolinguistic programming) *when certified* Energy Freedom Tapping Journaling Prompts and more! Make QUANTUM shifts in your inner and outer world. Design the life you dream of! So just click the link in bio, today. It’s your time! - Chay | WWW.CHAYKIT.COM PS. Don’t forget, if you sign up by Feb 28 at midnight (MST), you get all that the BUNdle offers PLUS I'll throw in... the 2 hour aBUNdance Bellydance TwerkShop Video Access and 2 FREE Live Class Passes for your friends to try out !